We are very fortunate in North Queensland to have suffered no water restrictions. Our Burdekin Dam often has spillage (enough to regularly fill the Sydney Harbour during the wet season). So it's a great place to grow some beautiful plants.
As most of you know, my knowledge of gardening stretched to doing everything Mark would tell me to do, ensuring lovely plants. I have always been good at deciding what I want but getting someone else to execute my plan.....ahem.
Well, I have started a little balcony garden here in the apartment above the hotel. It's really sweet and we have such lovely plants! Most of them have been lovingly cultivated from either seed or cuttings that I have grown on my very own. The mulch is mine, the time taken is mine and the garden is MINE! So, in a vain attempt at some photographic art I tried to capture the beauty of my little garden.
Some even made it into a vase.
Oh, and don't get Mark and I started on the possibilities of sharing our precious resource with you all down South. I simply can't understand why it isn't happening. As the Nana's would say "they can put a man on the moon....but".