Last weekend saw the Maraka Festival hit Ingham. This years theme was "Anything Goes". we are directly in front of the parade itself so we saw all the floats go by.
It was a great night and our feet are so sore and I have blisters from opening stubbies.
We had a fantastic band playing and everyone really enjoyed themselves. There was a really good feeling in the town, apparently though it wasn't as big as usual as the crush is still going (normally the sugar crush is well and truly over by now but they are having a particularly big year).
We had a pipe band stay with us that also marched and played in the parade. They came in and played in the bar - it was hysterical. ACDC by a pipe band.
Melbourne Cup went really well. it was the biggest luncheon the hotel has ever done for Melbourne Cup. Our Chef put together a wonderful set menu. We judged the best fashion of the day, held sweeps and watched the race on the screens in the restaurant.
Mark and I were in the main bar at the time of the race and a bus load of English tourists stopped and wanted to be served during the 2 minutes of the race....everyone knows you don't come to the bar during the Melbourne Cup....for heavens sake!
Well, now we are starting Christmas breakup dinners etc. Soon the crush will be over the the town will come alive again.
I have included some pictures of the pipe band playing last Saturday night. The photo's have been lightened considerably so they aren't very true to the night. It was a bit nightclubby at the time.